Picture from this July

*record scratch* *freeze frame* So you must be wondering how I got here, huh? This is a picture of me hitting my head against a hotel exit sign while wearing a sombrero and holding a big stack of red solo cups. And to be honest, I’m wondering how I got here too. This story starts when I was around 6 or 7 years old, even though the picture is from this July. When I was young, my parents made family friends with this really spiritual couple and they were a part of this larger spiritual organization. They invited us, along with a few other of their family friends, to meet up on the weekends and start up a small center. Similar to a church but just at someone’s house. On the weekends I would go to their apartment and they would watch videos of people asking their life questions to the figurehead of the organization. I just played Mario Kart or board games with some friends during that part. Most importantly, there’s a large conference for the people of this spirituality to g...