Picture from this July

*record scratch* *freeze frame* So you must be wondering how I got here, huh? This is a picture of me hitting my head against a hotel exit sign while wearing a sombrero and holding a big stack of red solo cups. And to be honest, I’m wondering how I got here too.

This story starts when I was around 6 or 7 years old, even though the picture is from this July. When I was young, my parents made family friends with this really spiritual couple and they were a part of this larger spiritual organization. They invited us, along with a few other of their family friends, to meet up on the weekends and start up a small center. Similar to a church but just at someone’s house. On the weekends I would go to their apartment and they would watch videos of people asking their life questions to the figurehead of the organization. I just played Mario Kart or board games with some friends during that part. Most importantly, there’s a large conference for the people of this spirituality to go to annually during the summer and it’s located in a 5 star hotel of a big city. So my family and I got invested into this and went to these conferences.

The first few years of going to these conferences I was usually bored and there was a kids program that I would attend. As the years went by and I got older, I started making new friends at these conferences. By the time I was 13, I had a big group of friends and we were about old enough to go outside the hotel and actually do things. So as a teenager these became wild and we started doing crazy things since our parents were always busy with the spirituality stuff.

To be honest I had plenty of pictures and videos to choose from because there isn’t a moment during this event that’s wasted but I chose this one because it had a few interesting elements. A year ago, in Jacksonville, Florida, we decided it would be a good idea to play cup pong which is just beer pong except with water. We would usually partner up with our best friends and play against each other for money. Usually we would find an abandoned meeting room in the hotel to play in and 2 people would volunteer to bring ping pong balls and red solo cups. This year we didn’t have the cups so a few of us drove to Target to get some, along with ping pong balls. So that explains the solo cups in the picture.

The sombrero I picked up from this dark hallway that was under construction during a game of hide and seek tag. We usually try to get as many people as we can, use a limited number of floors, and play the game late at night so security doesn’t find out. So after finishing this game of hide and seek tag, we were going to play cup pong. On the way to playing cup pong, I picked up the solo cups and had my sombrero on. My best friend reminded me of the one video with the guy hitting his head against the top of a metal doorway and the seed had been planted in my mind. I look up at approximately a 30 degree angle and the exit sign and I made eye contact. Even though the exit sign doesn’t have eyes. My destiny was sealed.

So yeah that’s how I got there.


  1. Last year, I was part of this group of guys (a sort of Muslim youth group) and we would get together and hang out on Fridays. Usually, we would meet up at seven in the evening, and then we'd hang till about 11 or 12 in the night. It was pretty fun to chill with the boys. Although, it was always sort of hectic and poorly planned, because we were like fifteen high school guys. We have not done anything since summer started and that's because most of the guys have finished high school now, and so all the life of the group has gone. Good times, good times.

  2. This reminds me so much of my cousins and I!! Every year my family and I go to a convention during Thanksgiving break and we'd meet up with our cousins and other distant family. The hotel floors are set up in a big squared were the hotel rooms are lined up on the edges and the center is empty, meaning you can see the floors stacked on top one another from anywhere in the hotel. Similar to your conference there's a kids program but it gets boring so usually my cousins and I would play hide and seek - but instead of security, we had to try to avoid all the parents (so if someone was leaving the hotel room, you'd have to run to a corner where they couldn't see you, but also run from the seeker).


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