It was a pretty normal day. Not much different from the others where I would play foosball during my free periods and Mario Kart on my phone. However, there was one thing that was different than most of my other days. 
After school I head to Siebel to chill with my friends, Max and Arav, and I finish an episode of Lucifer instead of doing work. Max taps my shoulder and asks if we could head to County Market since he wanted to grab some Takis. When we enter County Market and are on the way to the chips aisle, we get interrupted by a woman yelling out, “Free Bingo with free prizes!”. I looked at Arav and Max and we all decided that playing a game of Bingo wouldn’t exactly hurt. We sat down in the cafe section of County Market and there were only a total of 6 or 7 people playing including us 3. We each received a Bingo board and the prizes, which were different types of snacks including waffles, were arranged on a table. Behind the gamemaster was a huge Keystone cooler which was the grand prize for the last round of Bingo. We entered the Bingo match on the 5th round and proceeded to play. Not after long, Arav won the 5th round quickly.
None of us won round 6, but it was the final grand prize round. I had the option to switch out my board, but I put my faith into my board and my luck. We had to call our first bingo, but the Keystone cooler went to the first people to blackout their entire board. Time goes on and I was the first to get a Bingo which was pretty nice. I picked up some free waffles which made me pretty happy. More people began to call out Bingo and I start to notice that Max and I have pretty similar boards. The number of spaces dwindle and Max and I keep getting closer to blacking out our boards. At around 3 spaces left for each of us, we check each others boards and we have the exact same spaces left meaning, if we were to win it would be a tie. We got excited and finally our last space was called and we yelled “BINGO!”. 
The problem was that someone else had also won so it ended up being a three way tie. To settle the tie, the gamemaster would do coin flips and we would have to call out heads or tails once the coin was flipped. With some sneakiness, Arav quickly whispers to Max to go heads and for me to go tails to ensure one of us would make it to the final round. The gamemaster flipped the coin, and it ended up being heads. Winning the cooler was entirely up to Max now and he had to decide either heads or tails. The gamemaster flips the coin while Arav and I excitedly watch Max choose tails. She lifts her hand off the coin and it was tails. We won. We got a free cooler that could be used at parties for nice refreshing water*. 
It was a day well spent.


  1. It's super dope how any little coincidence can turn your whole day around. Usually life just passes us by and we don't jump on opportunities like this. I guess it's a lesson learned to go wherever life takes you.

  2. I was on the edge of the seat as i read the tense moments before you won. It was a good thing you took the opportunity, even if there was no immediate point in doing so.

  3. Okay, now this is epic. This was actually a lot of fun to read. Knowing the people you're talking about makes it that much better, honestly. Waffles over everything

  4. I'm really glad you enjoyed your game of bingo, it sounds like a lot of fun, but also quite stressful. I trust you guys will use the cooler to hold lots of water...

  5. I have never been so into reading about a game of bingo. I really liked your descriptions. The tenseness of finding out who would win made me genuinely happy when I read the ending. I hope you enjoy your free waffles and cooler!

  6. I must not be paying attention, I've never heard of these kinds of events the times I've gone to County Market. It's still hype though going with a group of friends, watching as Silas buys his 8th 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew of the week, guaranteeing himself a short life.


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